Track Fetal Movements: Know All about Janitri Keyar Mini and Keyar DT Lite

Sep 214 min read


Table of Content

Understanding Fetal Movements and Their Importance
Does No Fetal Movement Mean  Stillbirth?
Traditional Fetal Movement Monitoring Methods
What's New in Fetal Movement Tracking?
Janitri's Innovative Approach with Advanced Pregnancy Monitoring Devices
Keyar Mini: Compact and Effective
Keyar DT Lite: Advanced Monitoring at Home Made Easy
Frequently Asked Questions
a) Why should you track fetal movement?
b) What are the indicators of abnormal fetal movement?
c) How to do kick counts at home?
Next Steps

Pregnancy is a magical journey filled with anticipation and joy, but it also comes with its share of anxieties, especially for first-time mothers. One of the most crucial aspects of a healthy pregnancy is monitoring fetal movements. These tiny kicks and somersaults are not just heartwarming; they're vital indicators of your baby's well-being.

In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of tracking fetal movements, discuss the limitations of traditional methods, and introduce you to the latest pregnancy fetal monitoring devices, including Janitri's Keyar Mini and Keyar DT Lite, designed to make this journey safer and more reassuring for mothers-to-be.

Understanding Fetal Movements and Their Importance

Fetal movements are like a secret language between you and your baby. They're your baby's way of communicating their well-being and vitality. Regular and vigorous fetal movements are a sign that your baby is thriving inside the womb. They also offer peace of mind to expectant mothers, assuring them that their little one is doing well.

Research has shown that changes in fetal movement patterns can be an early warning sign of potential complications. Reduced fetal movements may indicate issues such as fetal distress, placental problems, or even a tangled umbilical cord. Therefore, keeping a close eye on your baby's movements is essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Does No Fetal Movement Mean  Stillbirth?

Less frequent baby movements do not lead to stillbirth but are one of the signs where the baby might not be getting enough oxygen or food. Mothers noticing reduced baby movements were found in half of stillbirths.

When a woman is 18-20 weeks pregnant, they may become aware of the baby’s movement or after 20 weeks, if you are pregnant for the first time. However, you may feel movements as early as 16 weeks in your second or third pregnancy.

Traditional Fetal Movement Monitoring Methods

Traditionally, expectant mothers have relied on methods such as kick counts, which involve counting the number of fetal movements within a specified time period. While these methods have been used for decades, they have limitations, including subjectivity and the potential for missed movements.

What's New in Fetal Movement Tracking?

In recent years, technology has revolutionised the way we monitor fetal movements. Innovative fetal monitoring devices have been developed to provide more accurate and convenient monitoring. These technologies use non-invasive methods to track fetal movements continuously, offering real-time insights into the baby's activity.

Janitri's Innovative Approach with Advanced Pregnancy Monitoring Devices

Janitri, a leading provider of pregnancy monitoring solutions, has introduced two groundbreaking products for mothers to monitor their baby’s heartbeat and kicks at home: Keyar Mini and Keyar DT Lite. These devices leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance the way fetal movement and heart rate is tracked during pregnancy.

Keyar Mini: Compact and Effective

Keyar Mini is a compact and portable device designed to monitor fetal heartbeat effortlessly. It uses state-of-the-art sensors to detect even the subtlest movements. Mothers can easily carry it and travel around while ensuring their baby's well-being can be monitored anytime and anywhere.

Keyar Mini offers several advantages:

  • Accuracy: It provides accurate real-time data on fetal movements.
  • Comfort: Its ergonomic design ensures comfort during prolonged use.
  • Ease of Use: It's user-friendly and can be operated without any technical expertise.

Keyar DT Lite: Advanced Monitoring at Home Made Easy

Keyar DT Lite takes fetal movement monitoring to the next level with its advanced features. This device offers comprehensive monitoring with NST at home, including fetal heart rate monitoring, in addition to movement tracking.

Keyar DT Lite's features include:

  • Dual Tracking: Monitoring both fetal movements and heart rate.
  • Wireless Connectivity: Easily connects to a mobile app via Bluetooth for data analysis and sharing with healthcare providers.

Choosing Janitri's Keyar Mini and Keyar DT Lite over traditional methods offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: These devices provide more accurate and continuous monitoring, reducing the risk of missed movements.
  • Peace of Mind: Expectant mothers can have peace of mind knowing that their baby's well-being is being constantly monitored.
  • Convenience: The compact and portable design ensures comfort and convenience for mothers.

Frequently Asked Questions

a) Why should you track fetal movement?

It is recommended to count the baby’s movement when you reach the third trimester. Tracking your baby’s kicks provides information about the baby’s health.

b) What are the indicators of abnormal fetal movement?

Some indicators of abnormal movements include not feeling baby wiggles, kicks, or punches in the places you usually feel. Feeling that your baby’s movements have reduced from normal.

c) How to do kick counts at home?

In an hour, a mother should look for about ten movements. To track baby movements, Janitri Keyar DT Lite is an easy-to-use and portable pregnancy monitoring device that comes with a pregnancy kick counter app to track your baby’s kicks at home.

Next Steps

Tracking fetal movement is a crucial aspect of ensuring a healthy pregnancy. With advancements in technology, Janitri's Keyar Mini and Keyar DT Lite have revolutionised the way expectant mothers monitor their baby's movements. These innovative devices offer accuracy, convenience, and peace of mind, making them essential tools for every expectant mother.

If you're an expectant mother looking for the best in fetal movement monitoring, consider Janitri's Keyar Mini and Keyar DT Lite. Visit our website [Janitri] to learn more about these innovative products and take the first step toward a healthier pregnancy.

By choosing Janitri's products, you can ensure that you have the latest technology at your fingertips, providing the best possible care for both you and your baby throughout your pregnancy journey.